Today we commemorate an episode which is recorded in the Gospel according to Matthew — the epiphany or “manifestation” of Christ to “wise men from the East” or the "Magi." Such “wise men” were the high priests of an religion whose chief centres lay in Mesopotamia. They were supposed to have special insight into the […]
Are you curious to learn more about being still and opening to the presence of God through prayer? Then Centering Prayer may be for you. Centering Prayer is a simple method of Christ-centered silent prayer for those seeking a deeper spiritual life. It is a modern approach to an ancient prayer practice, a movement beyond […]
A welcoming space where toddlers and parents can have fun together on Saturday mornings with the toys and activities available in our Children's Chapel. Strollers can be parked inside. Drop in and out or stay for the whole morning. Whether you are looking for more space to play outside your home, or hoping to connect […]