Event Series Compline (Online)

Compline (Online)

Church of the Transfiguration 111 Manor Road East, Toronto, ON, Canada

Join us on Zoom at 7:30pm for a quiet service of evening prayer that lasts about 30 minutes. At Transfig, the service of Compline (which means Completion) combines old and new contemplative traditions all anchored in the Anglican prayer tradition. Through Scripture, Song, and Silence, we prepare ourselves for a quiet and restful night, assured […]

Event Series Tots at Transfig

Tots at Transfig

Church of the Transfiguration 111 Manor Road East, Toronto, ON, Canada

A welcoming space where toddlers and parents can have fun together on Saturday mornings. Enjoy all the toys and activities available in our Children's Chapel.

Event Series Sunday Morning Eucharist

Sunday Morning Eucharist

Church of the Transfiguration 111 Manor Road East, Toronto, ON, Canada

Our Sunday morning worshipping community is lively and vibrant, finding beauty and depth in traditional Anglican liturgy, and grounded in gathered prayer, the reading of scripture, and the celebration of the Eucharist. Music in our service consists of piano and voice, at times accompanied by cello. We sing a variety of Anglican hymns along with music from […]

Event Series Compline (Online)

Compline (Online)

Church of the Transfiguration 111 Manor Road East, Toronto, ON, Canada

Join us on Zoom at 7:30pm for a quiet service of evening prayer that lasts about 30 minutes. At Transfig, the service of Compline (which means Completion) combines old and new contemplative traditions all anchored in the Anglican prayer tradition. Through Scripture, Song, and Silence, we prepare ourselves for a quiet and restful night, assured […]

Event Series Tots at Transfig

Tots at Transfig

Church of the Transfiguration 111 Manor Road East, Toronto, ON, Canada

A welcoming space where toddlers and parents can have fun together on Saturday mornings. Enjoy all the toys and activities available in our Children's Chapel.

Passion/Palm Sunday

Church of the Transfiguration 111 Manor Road East, Toronto, ON, Canada

A unique service which ushers us into Holy Week. We begin with a joyful palm branch waving procession around the church to remember Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem and later anticipate Good Friday with a dramatic reading of the entire passion narrative.

Maundy Thursday

Church of the Transfiguration 111 Manor Road East, Toronto, ON, Canada

On Maundy Thursday we remember the last supper Jesus ate with his disciples before his crucifixion. At this meal, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples in an act of humility and service. At our service you can also have your feet washed by Rev. Michael before participating in the Eucharist.

Good Friday

Church of the Transfiguration 111 Manor Road East, Toronto, ON, Canada

Good Friday marks the day when Christ made the ultimate sacrifice, dying on the cross for our sins so all can embrace eternal life with God. Through scripture, quiet reflection, prayer and music we journey with Jesus to the cross, remembering his great love for us and the incredible suffering he went through on our […]

Event Series Tots at Transfig

Tots at Transfig

Church of the Transfiguration 111 Manor Road East, Toronto, ON, Canada

A welcoming space where toddlers and parents can have fun together on Saturday mornings. Enjoy all the toys and activities available in our Children's Chapel.

Easter Sunday

Church of the Transfiguration 111 Manor Road East, Toronto, ON, Canada

We celebrate the history changing day when Jesus overcame death with a joyful service of Holy Eucharist. The organ will be at full volume as we belt out the classic Easter hymns and the church will be beautifully decorated with flowers. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, Hallelujah!

Event Series The Water’s Edge

The Water’s Edge

Church of the Transfiguration 111 Manor Road East, Toronto, ON, Canada

A worshipful and intentional community that draws on a rich Anglican tradition, somewhat dressed-down. We tuck away things like processions and robes to focus on the simple stuff: on meeting Christ in scripture read, music sung, and the bread and wine shared at the Lord’s Table. Following the worship service, we share a meal together. […]

Event Series Compline (Online)

Compline (Online)

Church of the Transfiguration 111 Manor Road East, Toronto, ON, Canada

Join us on Zoom at 7:30pm for a quiet service of evening prayer that lasts about 30 minutes. At Transfig, the service of Compline (which means Completion) combines old and new contemplative traditions all anchored in the Anglican prayer tradition. Through Scripture, Song, and Silence, we prepare ourselves for a quiet and restful night, assured […]